Oh, hi there! You're wondering about Humphrey Magazine?
Well, you've come to the right place! Founded in 2022 by Humphrey Higgins the Cat, Humphrey Magazine is a one-of-a-kind mix of art, fashion, literature, and much more!
Our catchphrase is "decadent whimsy" - this is a place to explore the colorful, the silly, the ludicrous, the magical, the tactile, the maximalist, the cute, & the fun. Staffed by a team of hard-working puppets who are still trying to figure out how the human world works, we are committed to bringing our readers the latest in all things whimsical!
We’re open to pitches! Is it WHIMSICAL? We wanna hear about it! Does it MATCH OUR UPCOMING THEMES, which are: FAKE; FILTH; TIME & FEAR? By all means send it along!
Do you write SHORT FICTION of a vivid quality? We wanna read it! We’re interested in a wide array of genres, including but not limited to: surrealist; realist; postmodern; nonsensical; weird; cool; sexy; scifi; thriller; romance; noir; cat stories; & so on & so forth! POETRY of the rhythmic & rhyming, experimental & roaming variety is also of interest; especially nonsense poetry (a lá Ogden Nash & Louis Carrol), pop ekphrastic poetry (responding to pop culture), & traditional prosody forms (villanelles, pantoums, sonnets, ghazals, haikus, etc.)
Do you DRAW COMICS and/or fun/cute/weird ILLUSTRATIONS? Show us! Take PHOTOGRAPHS? We wanna see!
WHATEVER whimsical artistic endeavor you’re undertaking, we’re interested in taking a gander!
Founder: Humphrey Higgins the Cat ->
Editor-in-chief: John Martin Tilley
Art Director: Bazil Lagerström
Editor-at-large: Nico Teixeira
Art Editor: Artie Farthalomew Finklestein, aka The Art Fart

What the hell even is art anymoah, am I right, people? Well, sheesh, I don't really know, I just eat it, ha!
My name is Artie Farthalomew Finklestein, better known as The Art Fart, & I've been eatin' what these yay-hoos call 'art' since the Venus of Willendorf - you ever hear about the Adonis of Willendorf, do ya? Of course not! That's because I ate him, nom nom nom! He was pretty tasty, but art comes in all sorts a flavors, & I'm here to give you a tour of what's happenin' in the great buffet of the art world, & what you can & cannot much on, if you happen to be a little yellow art monster like myself.
Now, what's for lunch?

Literature Editor: Cowboy Books
Well hey there y'all! I'm the book guy, Cowboy Books!
I sure is a lover a letters n' such - you know Faulkner was a Southerner, too? A good ol' boy through n' through! Gimme a thick tome & a couple fingers of whiskey rye & I'll be out of your hair quicker than a jackrabbit. I've always been a lil' bookworm down to my boots, but I sure do get distracted: comics, poems, radio shows, and gee whiz all that good stuff - that counts as literature too, you say? Well then!
Let's get readin!
Hello, dahling, you can call me Auntie, dahling! Your go-to fashion correspondent reporting straight from the catwalks of Paris & Milan, sussing out all the posh whimsy that's fit to print, quite right!
Well, go on then, take a look for yourself - and don't mind my handwriting on the notes around those runway shots, I like a long & slender alphabet to make me feel less short & fat, jolly good show.
Time for tea & cakes, dahling, & do take a gander at the smartest cloethes of the season, yes?

Fashion Editor: Auntie
Performance Editor: Peggy Hepburn

Peggy Hepburn's the name, all things performance is the game - & don't you forget it!
I've got the 411 on the stage and screen: reports, reviews, and bonafide opinions on all the hippest ring-a-ding-ding moments worth watching here & now!
Pour yourself a stiff drink - hey, maybe one for ol' Peggy, too! - and let's do what audiences do best: watch!

Horoscopes Editor: Madame Moonlight
Come in, come in (cough, cough)! I just flew in the window there, brought my crystal ball & Tarot deck - you requested a reading?
They call me Madame Moonlight - I come from a long line of crows gifted in the art of seeing past, present, & future. I'm well renowned! Just the other day I predicted a hen would find her husband, & the next day a rooster strutted into town - can you beat that?
The stars communicate easily once you open up to them, my dear (cough, cough!), hey, do you have a light?

Thinkpiece Editors: The Brainworms
Hello fellow brainy cerebral discovery crew, greetings from inside your brain!​
We're The Brainworms, & we've been feasting on the grey matter of many great contemporary thinkers, gobbling up their thoughts & dreams & neurons & frontal lobes, all in the name of modern science & academic research, duh!

Puzzles & Games Editor: Pugsly the Puzzler
Hello, my fine gentlefolk!
Pugsly the Puzzler at your service: hedgehog-at-large & professional purveyor of puzzles, games, & miscellany of all kinds! You know what they say: the fox knows many small things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing. (That’s me!)
Happy to be gainfully employed by this fine publication, & here to offer you some diversion in these troubled times!
Now pull up a chair & get out your writing stylus—let's have some good clean fun, shall we?