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Join date: Jan 16, 2024


What the hell even is art anymoah, am I right, people? Well, sheesh, I don't really know, I just eat it, ha!

My name is Artie Farthalomew Finklestein, better known as The Art Fart, & I've been eatin' what these yay-hoos call 'art' since the Venus of Willendorf - you ever hear about the Adonis of Willendorf, do ya? Of course not! That's because I ate him, nom nom nom! He was pretty tasty, but art comes in all sorts a flavors, & I'm here to give you a tour of what's happenin' in the great buffet of the art world, & what you can & cannot much on, if you happen to be a little yellow art monster like myself.

Now, what's for lunch?

The Art Fart

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